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if i were president of a trending topic on twitter 24 March 2016

if i were president of a trending topic on twitter 24 March 2016

When I open twitter, I see popular tweet are "if i were president". it is a trending topic on twitter. Many people use the hashtag. Ranging from seriouswords up funny words. The following gives some examples maybe nice and very funny when made in comic meme.



National Anthem is now "In A Gadda Da Vida"


@number2pencil1 "#IfIWerePresident debates would have mute buttons and shock collars if anyone doesn't shut up when told to. @midnight"

@TheWayoftheway "Get out the way by @Ludacris would replace hail to the chief @midnight #IfIWerePresident"

#IfIWerePresident teachers and Congress would swap salaries.
#IfIWerePresident the working class would seize the means of production and boozy brunch would be a constitutional right
#IfIWerePresident I would build a wall around New Jersey, we aren't getting the best from the Guidos, only cliches and spray tans.

#IfIWerePresident Robocop will be my Secretary of Defense
#IfIWerePresident I'd unify instead of divide like Dr. King wanted
#IfIWerePresident, I would make everybody clap.
Historically, I'd oversleep and eventually get fired. @midnight #IfIWerePresident
#IfIWerePresident @midnight
I'd have myself committed
#IfIWerePresident I would solve the THERE, THEIR, THEY'RE crisis and create one federally sanctioned word: THEYIR'RE @midnight
Don't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your papaw #IfIWerePresident @midnight 
#IfIWerePresident Election Day would be a national holiday so everyone has the opportunity to vote but also hang out with friends and fam.

Happy Holi
Chris Paul
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